The Stay Healthy New Jersey Podcast with Todd Bumgardner

This episode is special for so many reasons, but one stands out most.

First off, Justin’s friend Todd Bumgardner is NOT located in New Jersey, our first out of state guest on The Stay Healthy New Jersey Podcast.

Secondly, Todd wrote a book called “”Let The First Rep Suck: The Art of Unconditionally Positive Fitness Coaching,”  which can be found here.

All book sale proceeds go directly to fund NBIA MPAN Research done by Children’s National Hospital in Washington D.C.

The reason? Todd’s spent the last year and a half training Ryan Alam, a great sixteen-year old fella from Stirling, Virginia. Ryan has a rare degenerative brain condition called NBIA MPAN. There is no cure for the disease and it’s so rare that there’s no funding for research.

Over the past year, Todd and Ryan’s mother, Tuba, and a lot of good people have worked hard to raise money to get the research started. However, this is only the beginning. A lot of money is still needed to fund the research that could save Ryan’s life, and others afflicted with this disease.

We want to raise awareness for this cause and your support can be shown by purchasing a copy of Todd’s book here

To learn more about Todd and Ryan’s story, click on the photo of Ryan below to listen to this podcast!

Dr. Justin Rabinowitz

Dr. Justin Rabinowitz


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