We all have those days where we sit at our desk to work, only to realize six hours have passed and we haven’t moved! Imagine this is your routine five days a week for years on end. You may even spend more time at your office than your home. Did you know that you need to take breaks to keep our energy levels high? It seems so simple, yet many of us can’t seem to take a few minutes throughout the work day to get some movement in, also known as MICROBREAKS!
What Is A Microbreak?
A microbreak is a short break you take from your work throughout the day. Microbreaks are regular, mindful, and active breaks from being stuck in one position at work.
A microbreak will help interrupt repetitive tasks or sitting for long periods.
I often implement microbreaks for patients who find sitting exacerbates their back pain. The idea behind the microbreak is for the patient to start building healthy habits so they can take charge of their health!
Microbreaks can vary from walking, stretching, or quick exercises! (To the left is an example of a specific microbreak outlined for a patient with low back pain).
The Basics Of A Microbreak
A microbreak can last anywhere from thirty seconds to a few minutes. The key to microbreaks is that they have to be taken frequently.
There is no magic number for how often to take or how long a microbreak should last. We have seen the best results when they’re taken frequently for short periods of time throughout the work day. It is important that you make time for microbreak, but also it doesn’t take time away from your work.
I have found that the easiest way to take more microbreaks is to add them to your calendar. Adding in time for short breaks will ensure that you keep up with them.
I recommend getting a yoga mat rolled up at your desk! Thus, if you need to get on the floor to perform a microbreak you do so on a comfortable mat!
What Is A Good Microbreak?
Standing up at your desk is simply not enough of a microbreak. The key to a good microbreak is to do something that will help stimulate your mind and body.
An effective microbreak can range from small exercises or self mobilizations, like using a foam roller or lacrosse ball in the proper areas. This starts to break the sedentary cycle.
How Will Microbreaks Benefit Me?
The biggest benefit to performing microbreaks is it starts breaking the repetitive sedentary cycle many suffer from. Simply put, microbreaks are movement activities and we know that motion is lotion.
If you’re sitting or standing for long periods every time you’re at work, your joints are being deprived of the movement they crave! Microbreaks can serve as mindful resets when concentrating for long periods!
If you’re unsure of where to start, schedule a free call with one of our staff doctors to help figure out what microbreak will be best for you!

Five Microbreak Examples You Can Use!
Chin Retractions
Press Ups
Thoracic Spine (MidBack) Openers
Diaphragmatic Breathing
90/90 Hip Stretch
Does Foam Rolling Count As A Microbreak?
How To Foam Roll Glutes
How To Foam Roll Your Mid Back
Choose a microbreak exercise that best fits what you’re looking for! Remember microbreaks serve as a way to break up the monotony of being sedentary at work!
Looking for more help? Schedule a free consultation with one of our Strive2Move doctors to find out how we can help you get out of pain for good.